Red sky’s at night – Diver’s Delight!
What 12K mile road trip would be complete without a few dives!
While getting fitted for a Madiera wreck dive in Lake Superior, we heard the rumble of thunder. The storm location and hour drive north of Duluth, MN provided a beautiful day and dive. Vis a bit low due to recent rains, but, extremely enjoyable and we were also able to make some new inquisitive friends – Sculpins – Give your pics the Vivid-Pix Fix!
On the road again: through the State of 10,000 Lakes – up to Voyageurs National Park. As we begin to view a few of our National Parks, we are awed by the variety of these treasures that our forefathers provided to us. Voyageurs: 500 miles of untouched coastline.
Reflectively, we were able to spend the day on and in the water – what a wonderful way to spend the day. Thank you Nancy – Lake Superior Divers Supply & School – your friendly, customer service will not be forgotten. Founded in 1956 by Donald Van Nispen, you continue the legacy of a dive shop that has been around since the beginning of all of us blowing bubbles.
The road trip continues onto the plains!
(Photos fixed with LAND & SEA SCUBA Picture-Fix)
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