Free and Low-Cost Education
Make scanning fun
Photos social & health benefits
pRT caregiver benefits
pRT Education and Memory Station Software for families and friends.
Photo Reminiscence Therapy (pRT)
For Families – Joshua Freitas, PhD
Designed for paid and unpaid caregivers, this course provides instruction to implement pRT – as described by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Reminiscence Therapy (RT) involves the discussion of past activities, events and experiences with another person or group of people, usually with the aid of tangible prompts such as photographs, household,and other familiar items…”
Relive memories with
Memory Station Software!
Patent-pending software, with intuitive interface and large buttons, makes it easy to scan, restore photos and documents, record memories and combine to create stories.
Reminiscing about life pulls memories from shoeboxes and memory banks.
Individual and Multigenerational re-living of yesterday and yesteryear provides connection and understanding through photo-based activities that are fun – and provide social and health benefits.
pRT Education with
Memory Station Software

Bundle provides education and fun software to exercise your or a loved ones’ brain, promote health, and bring forth and capture cherished memories as stories.
Photo Reminiscence Therapy (pRT) provides brain health activities to support cognitive function for both healthy individuals and those with dementia.
Save $79 with bundle
pRT Continuing Education certification
and Memory Station Software restore memories and stories.
Photo Reminiscence Therapy (pRT)
Certification – Joshua Freitas, PhD
pRT Education with
Memory Station Software

SAVE $100 with bundle!
Family and Professional Courses
Printed Photo Organizing Made Easy – Cathi Nelson
Overwhelmed with a lifetime of printed photos, memorabilia, home movies, and outdated media? Wishing you had the time and expertise to tackle this daunting problem once and for all? You’ll learn step-by-step how to organize your family photo collection using techniques developed by the 1000-member professional Photo Managers and get introduced to the best tools to simplify the process.
Tell Your Stories – Laura Hedgecock
Want to preserve memories and stories, but stall out with the magnitude of the task? Discover how to create connectional narratives which capture the past while enjoying reminiscing with the people you love. Learn how to capture and share the moments that matter in this eight-part course!
Find out how to choose photos to help tell and elicit stories, use guided reminiscence to elicit stor…
Photo Reminiscence Therapy – Joshua Freitas
Utilizing photographic and mental memories, the afflicted and the caregiver connect and converse by sharing conversation and emotions, resulting in a reduction of isolation, loneliness, depression, and profound improvement in ongoing socialization. Designed for paid and unpaid caregivers, this series of classes provide instruction that creates connection. Joshua is an award-winning memory care…
Digital Photography Fundamentals – David Huffman
This all-new video course covers the Fundamentals of Digital Photography in 6 videos with over 100 minutes of instruction. Topics are organized to focus on adding creativity to your photos, including Exposure, Sharpness, Flash, Lens Selection and Filters. A Bonus Round provides common settings and tips for pictures of People, Landscape, Wildlife and Travel. Each topic has descriptions and def…
Tell Your Stories Professional – Laura Hedgecock
We all want to preserve memories and stories, but good intentions quickly stall out. Discover how to help clients (and yourself) create connectional narratives while enjoying reminiscing with others. Learn how to help others capture and share the moments that matter in this eight-part course! Designed for group use, this course covers how to choose photos to help tell and elicit stories, use gu…
Photo Reminiscence Therapy Certification – Joshua Freitas
Designed for paid and unpaid caregivers, this series of classes provide instruction that creates connection. Utilizing photographic and mental memories, the afflicted and the caregiver connect and converse by sharing conversation and emotions, resulting in a reduction of isolation, loneliness, depression, and profound improvement in ongoing socialization. Joshua is an award-winning memory care …