The Journey(s) Day 6

Memories and Snapshots  

The Journey is full of memories – events, experiences, people, the list is endless.  We often memorialize these memories with a snapshot.  Snapshots cause memories to come flooding back as if it was yesterday. 

Our return to Colorado Springs has brought back many memories.  One of the special ones is of my dog Chibby being carried up The Incline and then running the 4 miles back down.  He loved traveling, hiking, was amazing in the car, and literally logged 10’s of thousands of miles with us.  These photos provide a lovely snapshot. 

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After a wonderful and loving life of 16 years, Chibby passed last month.  He loved The Incline so much that we decided to spread some of his ashes. 

600x400 Chibby Ashes

While hiking back down, the memories of him scampering down the trail brought back many fond memories.

We say goodbye to friends and loved ones, it’s the circle of life.  Many believe that something lives on – call it a spirit or whatever you believe in.  While completing our visit with friends and Meg’s USAFA family sponsors Bill, Nancy, and Mac (their furry son) Hecker (thank you again for the hospitality!), we placed our things by the door to be packed in the car the following morning – including Chibby’s urn that had been in my room over the weekend.  Believe what you may, but Mac and Chibby had spent many years together so when Mac walked over to the case that housed the urn, sat down, and just looked at the case, we knew Chibby was with us, had enjoyed the hike, and was continuing to enjoy the journey. 

Chibby walking down trail

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