Doing Good – Environmental

GOALS: Provide financial support to save leatherback turtles.
OFFER: Purchase Vivid-Pix software we donate 20% and You Save 20%
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to receive a 20% Discount and we give a donation to Save Our Leatherbacks Organization
Save Our Leatherbacks Operation
Save Our Leatherbacks Operation (S.O.L.O.) is a certified IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity foundation and a registered Texas environmental nonprofit corporation. The primary goal of this Foundation is the help reverse the rapid decline of the Leatherback sea turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, populations toward extinction, which is occurring at an alarmingly fast rate.
Our specific goal to help achieve a significant reversal of population decline in the the largest leatherback turtle nesting beaches in the Pacific, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, to increase the number of hatchlings. This will help them survive beach threats and return to the nesting areas in greater numbers as they mature to lay more eggs.
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GOALS: Provide financial support to restore individual and global reef projects
OFFER: Purchase Vivid-Pix software we donate 20% and You Save 20%
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to receive a 20% Discount and we give a donation to the Reef Ball Foundation!
The Reef Ball Foundation
The Reef Ball Foundationis a 501(c) 3 publicly supported non-profit and international environmental NGO working to rehabilitate marine reefs. Our mission is to rehabilitate our world’s ocean reef ecosystems and to protect our natural reef systems using Reef Ball designed reef technologies.
We have placed well over 1/2 million Reef Balls™ and conducted over 6,000 projects in 62+ countries with a global reach of 70+ countries. Our projects include designed artificial reefs, ground-breaking coral propagation and planting systems, estuary restoration, red mangrove plantings, oyster reef restoration, erosion control, and expert collaboration on a variety of oceanic issues. We work with governments, other NGOs, businesses, schools, research institutes, private individuals and community organizations and emphasize education on preserving and protecting our natural reefs.
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